Monthly Archives: June 2017

Animal Rights in Spiritualism 2017 Newsletter 2017.

Dedicated to the memory of William, Myra Manns, Katy Bullas, Father Ronald,   Daisy Williams, Gypsy Winder,  Cynthia O’Neill, Snake , Remi Brocklehurst , Mr. Tiddles,  Minnie, Rebel, Sheltie and Poppy Currie- these cats, dogs and humans who continue to give much love from the Spirit World .


Hello Everyone and a happy 2017 to you! Well. 2016 was a year of changes, wasn’t it?  Some good, some bad, but then nothing is ever black and white and I believe in  always working to get the best out of situations.  As we leave the European Union , one opportunity which looms high on the list of possibilities is the chance to change our agricultural policies for the better, as more and more calls for the vegan diet to be taken seriously as a contender to halt climate change are heard.

We should shout loudly, now, for the UK to  have vegan menus in schools, hospitals, prisons and care homes, as well as to  subsidise farmers to grow “vegan” rather than reward them to keep their land empty or, worse still, exploit our cattle, pigs , sheep and birds in the wasteful, pollutive and immensely cruel meat and dairy industries.  Last summer, thirty six conservative M.P.’s called for more environmentally friendly farming methods post Brexit. Labour also have vegan, Kerry McArthy  holding similar views to all of the above .  Recently, Compassion in World Farming  have asked us to sign their on-line petition to the government for the ban of live exports when we become under U.K. Rule.

In recent times we have seen some of the worst floods in  the United Kingdom in many years.  This is devastating for those who lost their homes and livelihoods but  how would these people feel  if we were to tell them that livestock farming and the conditions for obtaining farming subsidies were at the root of their misery?

According to an on-line Daily Mail report by George Monbiot,  “The heaviest rain falls in the hills, and what happens there is a crucial determinant of the impacts downstream.

 Rational policies would seek to ensure that water hitting the hills is held there for as long as possible before it begins its downhill journey. And this, above all, means having trees and other deep vegetation.

A study in mid-Wales discovered that where trees are allowed to grow on the hills, water is absorbed by the soil 67 times more efficiently than where they are absent. Where sheep have grazed the vegetation closely and compacted the soil with their hooves, the land behaves almost like concrete: water flashes off immediately and begins its devastating rush downhill.”

E.U. rules state that , in order for a farmer to collect his subsidies, the land he grazes his sheep upon has to be in “agricultural condition”  – bare.  No trees , scrub or natural features like ponds are allowed. These are the very things which nature put in place to ensure water was soaked up for the benefit of all: vegetation; wildlife and us.

So, trees are important for so many reasons, including preventing floods, yet the livestock industry, whether for sheep farming subsidies or grazing land for cattle, is the main culprit as regards their destruction.

Nature always holds the answer and we pay a heavy price for ignoring her perfect network.  Not only flora but fauna play a part in it…unless, of course we hunt them to near extinction as was the case with our native beaver. It seems that the dams they make so skilfully in no time at all, filter the water slowly enough to prevent the rivers flooding.  The new train of thought is to release more of them into our wild to do their job which not only allows them to fulfil their lives in a way which is natural to them but is of huge benefit to us and the planet we share with them.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

I never cease to be appalled and shocked by human behaviour as regards the treatment of animals but I wouldn’t expect a body which  is supported by the wildlife trusts to ask for five thousand volunteers from the public to bludgeon grey squirrels to death.

Yes. I gasped, too.  Yet, it seems this entertaining and industrious little creature who has given so much pleasure to many by its antics is to be culled because it, allegedly, threatens the red squirrels existence. Experts dispute this and point out that before 1973, people could get a license to shoot red squirrels and many ecologists say that it is habitat loss and  human activity that is a threat to the red squirrel not the greys.

Even if the grey squirrel were to blame in some indirect way for the red’s decline,  it does not deserve to be murdered, let alone bludgeoned to death.  This is inhumane.  What does it say about the wildlife trusts?

If it is still relevant by the time this newsletter reaches you, please sign the on-line petition and withdraw your support from such trusts.

Contact  for how you can further help. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Don’t we find that beliefs and practices among the mystics , psychics and mediums of Spiritualism, and some of the older belief systems occasionally overlap? Take for instance the belief in “Power Animals”.  We have all seen, or perhaps purchased, a pack of  cards dealing with the subject by use of oracle.  Each card has a picture of an animal and a message of guidance  from the collective spirit of each of the creatures.

These cards can be laid out in such a way  as to give a reading and can be read intuitively by those  with such gifts  .  I must admit that when one opens one’s heart sincerely to this collective spirit, remarkable and profound guidance can ensue, for we are communicating with the group spirit of the species.

In my understanding ,this group spirit is also recognised by The Essene Brotherhood, ( a strictly vegetarian sect to which Jesus was connected in his upbringing and spiritual study.  The Essenes have a large picture of a beautiful  dog  gracing their altar,  whose universal spirit of “Dog” is closely connected to the Godhead and is Divine – a pure, high energy  which we are meant to hold in reverence and high esteem.  I have always thought of dogs as being gifts from God in light of their selfless nature which is active in their love for us.

Most of us will have heard of the 100th monkey syndrome which got its name from  scientific research undertaken with a group of monkeys on Koshima, one of a group of Japanese islands.  These Macaques were supplied with sweet potatoes to eat.  It was found that  when one little monkey accidentally dropped her potato into the lake she found it tasted much better from being washed in this way.  From then on, she industriously rinsed all her potatoes before eating.  This soon caught on with all her fellow islanders and there is nothing unusual in that , except that when their number reached 100, this awareness and practice of washing food spread to the consciousness of monkeys on the neighbouring islands, over the sea, who had had no contact  with those on Koshima..

It is this same principle which the Essenes and some other spiritual disciplines follow in their healing practice , by way of using a symbol  of an animal to bring healing to its whole species, or connect the spirit of the species to one animal who needs healing .

For example, if we wish to bring protection to all hedgehogs when crossing the roads, we could place an ornament sculptured as a hedgehog within the healing circle to focus the energy on our purpose.  The thought should then travel, along with the healing force, to its destinations. However, the object is not just a focal point for the sending of energy. The sculptor had a clear picture of  this creature within his/her mental energy and would probably have modelled the  creation  on a real hedgehog in sight. As with a photograph, personal and collective D.N.A. seems to be present on its spiritual level.

Returning to the ancient, non Christian belief systems, we are all meant to have our own personal power animal, who, rather like the spirit guides we are familiar with, stay with us for life and can be called upon for help, guidance and protection. (This may have been the witches “Familiar”)  We are imbued with this particular creature’s virtues and strengths as it is so much a part of us but, as with our guides, we have to unfold our connection with it within through meditation or “journeying”. The latter can be developed through guided visualisation involving scenes of nature.

I feel sure the Great Animal Spirit, along with the overall Great Spirit works with all those who strive to  bring peace and liberation to all creatures on Earth.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Around the Members.

 It is my delight to bring in a story with a reasonably happy ending which highlights the atrocious plight of Spain’s hunting dogs.

Our dear , hard working animal rescuer and A.R.I.S. supporter, Therese McElwee, is moving to Spain and on her recent visit there was able to do  what we all constantly wish to do and bring animals out of misery into a place of love and peace.

Here is her account:

When my friend Lorraine and I were staying at the house in Spain we saw a very thin dog a few miles from home. She seemed very nervous and we couldn’t catch her. We went twice a day for the rest of the week, but never saw her again.


Around the same time, we heard of a cat with mange in the village. This led us to buy a cat carrier and we then also spent the week looking for him, but didn’t spot him.


Two nights before coming home to England, we stopped at a restaurant, halfway down the mountain (the only one that does bean burgers!) and after the meal, went outside  with our drinks to smoke (I know, I know!). Suddenly,  two brown podenco type dogs appeared. The smaller (mother dog, we think) was very friendly. The daughter was so nervous, we just couldn’t catch her. After an hour and three of us trying, I squatted on the floor and asked St. Francis to help me. At that moment, she walked up to me and I grabbed her round the scruff!

 The dogs had been wandering on a busy mountain road and the mother dog had spiked wire on the collar and a shackle – for training her, no doubt.

Back home and with a good meal inside them, they were so happy. The mother dog had been attacked by something, as she had small wounds on her. I made them up beds with cushions, but during the night they came to the side of my bed and I lifted them  on to it where they both spent the next hours cuddled up to me.

 The following morning we took them to the Dog Shelter, where we met a lovely Spanish girl called Maria who found the mother dog was chipped! The  owner didn’t  come to claim them for twenty days. After twenty one days they can be re-homed. The claimant had to pay one hundred and twenty euros per dog. Maria let me know that the  person to whom the dogs belongs lives not far from my village, so I can look out for them.

At this Shelter, a lot of English and Scandinavian people go to volunteer and walk the dogs each day. Some dogs have been there years.

 I already know so many people involved with animals out there -even one at a local  bar, a Belgian, who rescues dogs. Last week, I was out there again and saw a white van with “Animal Rights” written on it. I found the owners, Gwen and James – both in their 80’s!   They run a  street cat rescue about 45 minutes from me.  They have over 100 cats – dogs too. They neuter and spay the street cats. It was so lovely to meet them. Their website is ‘Asoc.StreetCats’.

 Please also google – http://www.occupyforanimals – which will tell you all you need to know about the Spanish Hunting Dogs – Galgos and Podencos. The cruelty in this world is almost too much to bear. Anything one can do is worth doing. –………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Here we remember our valued supporter,  Myra Manns who  passed over to the Spirit World a few days after Christmas in 2016. Myra had run an animal sanctuary  for many years and at age seventy nine, was forced to make changes .

Her dedication to the welfare of animals meant Myra could not give up helping them.   So, instead  of  taking in more animals, she turned to animal birth control as a means of preventing much suffering.  The slogan on her leaflet reads:





For advice, help and contribution towards cost of spay and neuter operations, contact: H.A.R.K. and Animal Birth Control. Thank you.

Now, the trustees are undergoing a period of reflection regarding Myra’s sad passing before continuing the work of H.A.R.K.  It is early days, therefore, there will be an update in the next newsletter as to their progress.


Since the last newsletter,  Holly,  our supporter from  Wiltshire, has sent me newsletters of a group she is very much involved with, namely, Nurses Movement for Responsible Medicine .

 N.M.R.M. was founded in 2007 by Cynthia O’Neill, S.R.N.,  S.C.M., Q.N., H.V.S. who sadly passed over to spirit on 30th November 2015. The movement enabled Nurses to voice their alarm regarding the high number of deaths caused by  the side effects of some medical drugs.

Here is an excerpt from 2017 Issue 12:

  When attending a Royal College of Nursing conference in 2007 our founder, Cynthia O’Neill, S.R.N., S.C.M., QN., H.V., saw a demonstration of a new life size £25,000 computer human patient model that is used in Medical Schools and is 100% proof that we now have a model that can be fed, have umpteen drugs inserted and the computer will file out all relevant facts. He/she blinks eyes, bleeds, changes temperature and does everything one can imagine. The brain behind such an engineered model shows we have proper scientific methods and, again, stresses that vivisection or animal testing is a fraud, in fact the biggest fraud in the history of the human race!


Cynthia O’Neill, S.R.N., S.C.M., QN., H.V. S:

Students seem to be far more aware than their teachers of the outdated nature of the schools in which they are obliged to learn. Protests by students and young doctors are heard all over the world against methods that are not only cruel but also stupid and corrupting, both morally and technically.”…..


It is remarkably uncanny how, when our animals pass on, they often seem  to guide other creatures in need to our doorsteps. Long time A.R.I.S. Supporter, Janet Williams, who lives in Portsmouth (and sends all of you  her love, by the way) had such an experience, recently, when her beloved cat, Daisy, passed to Spirit .

A thin, hungry, injured but “owned”  cat, who had been visiting her, turned up at her house one day and went straight upstairs to her bed.  He was subdued and there was blood on the carpet where he had been sitting.  Janet  could see a large swelling at the base of his tail.

Already having told his owners that their cat visited her while letting them know where she lived ,  Janet made no bones about confronting the people he lived with and subsequently, they took him to the vet. When bumping into the wife later on, Janet asked how the cat was and the woman answered that he had had a large abcess drained and stitched  and was on anti-biotics.

The strange thing was that when Janet first told me her cat had passed over, I didn’t send my full sympathies in  a proper “comfort” letter until months later, yet  the cat turned up looking for emergency help and attention he wasn’t getting at home on the very day my letter about Daisy’s passing arrived.  Had Daisy been guiding him to Janet with his previous visits, for-seeing his future urgent need and was my letter  “Spirit” engineered to arrive when it did,  being  Daisy’s way of letting Janet know she was behind it? I like to believe this is evidence of the good work animals do on the other side and proof they are always there for the ones they love. Janet told me she was glad the cat had felt he could come  for help and added “May be, just may be,  my dear little Daisy sent him here.”


Laura Beaumont, our Hampshire supporter gave a talk in February this year to the Theosophical Society on the subject of the Humane Christ.  Laura used the A.R.I.S. Leaflet “What Jesus Said…” to bring awareness of the real message this great master brought to the Earth, which was the sacredness of all life .

I also spoke on behalf of the animals and Animal Rights in Spiritualism since the last newsletter at the Mind, Body, Spirit event near Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, organised by  North Star Crystals (   and more recently staged a fund-raiser for Safe haven for Donkeys in the Holy Land ( ) in Chesterfield. We raised almost £216 in a short afternoon and gave out the vegan, spiritual message.  All helpers contributed tasty vegan cakes and savouries and there was a warm Christmas spirit.  We only have to sow the seed in one person at events such as these for good to escalate.

Thanks to Sarah and James Rickard , David and Anne Somerville, Elizabeth Mellor, Sheffield Vegans and Ray Tubbs for their support on the day and special thanks to  faithful helpers, Alistair Hamilton and Chris Hedley with whom I also worked the monthly summer stalls.


Meanwhile, in downtown Brighton, foxy Sue, ( Sue Fox) mentioned previously in our newsletters, is taking the town by storm by using her everyday life to convert people to veganism. Leaflets on every subject relating to the cause bulge from her pockets along with “sneaky” animal- free chocs.  By the time she’s swooped upon her prey , they wonder how they ever could have consumed “dead bodies”  and “mastitis milk.”

Sue has also taken part in “Veganuary” whereby messages are,  quite legally, chalked  on roads, walls and most available spaces, with leaflets discreetly placed in the sausage sections of well known stores.

Veganuary (replacing January) has really taken off ,with the group PETA ( ) filling every billboard  of Clapham Common overground with posters showing  an image of each farm animal with the message “I’m me.  I am not food for your  dinner plate”  Perhaps we could adopt January as our vegan month , asking our churches and spiritual centres to hold a display of  vegan information, emphasising the effect on health and weight from going “animal free”.  Just after belly bursting Christmas, it might go down very well.


Richard Marshall, medium for The Cosmic Brotherhood, whose teachings have been featured in our newsletters over the years, is now  on the committee at Slough Spiritualist Church and has managed to raise sixty pounds for Hillside  Farm Animal Sanctuary in Norfolk, by placing a collection box in the church.  Well done to Richard.  Do visit the church if you are in the area.

Similar sanctuaries to Hillside are The Retreat Animal Rescue in Kent and  in the Midlands,  we have Brinsley Farm Animal Sanctuary near Nottingham.

Hillside, as many of you know, takes in rescued farm animals and investigates farms and slaughterhouses for neglect and cruelty.  It also educates the public on factory farming etc., through its very good leaflets.

Our dear A.R.I.S. Supporters, the Dane family,  help out at Hillside, with David  also donating some of his  ethereal paintings of the Norfolk Broads. Julia Dane sells “Tropic” vegan toiletries on-line.  She enthuses that they are absolutely lovely and  upon viewing them for the first time I must say the  products look first class.   Julia told me that  they are 100% cruelty free, endorsed by The Vegan Society , PETA and Cruelty Free International.   She has very kindly offered to donate a £4 bale of hay for the Hillside sanctuary animals for every £20 order  made by A.R.I.S. members.  (Please state on your order in bold that you are an A.R.I.S. supporter.)  This may rise  to around £5  donation  for every £26 order as prices increase along the way. A.R.I.S. supporters will then receive a Hillside card and certificate from Julia with confirmation of their order.  Julia further explains : “I don’t physically keep the products, apart from those for my own personal use – orders are emailed directly through to Surrey and I receive a copy of the the order, which doesn’t include the email address.  Therefore anyone ordering in support of Hillside needs to email me direct to explain this  – Hillside tend to take about ten days at the moment to send out the donation certificate etc to me so it might be a fortnight plus before the customer receives it.   If someone places an order for £20 I will receive no personal advantage after I have paid for the bale of hay and then the postage to send the certificate  on to the customer.  Therefore, for example, as and when the hay price increases to £5 the value of any order would need to be a minimum of approx £25″. 

Julia adds, “Also, although it’s not directly to do with me, animal lovers wanting a relatively inexpensive British holiday can stay at lovely accommodation within the West Runton sanctuary where I volunteer, which is situated directly on the North Norfolk Coast.”  

 Donation options can be seen at

Coming back to the basics of Spiritualism now, Julia recommends to A.R.I.S. supporters the following website of Victor Zammit which deals with the afterlife, mentions veganism and condemns animal cruelty:


Sian Winstanley of Chesterfield  produced an excellent postcard this Spring in aid of  bees, asking councils not to mow verges, roundabouts etc., of dandelions  at that time of year  as these creatures need them to survive, other flowers not yet available in quantity.   Next Spring, would readers  be so kind as to order and  send them on to their councils?


Pat’s Points  

Dandelion Days    

The dandelion – taraxacum officinale – is now in bloom , except where the sprayers are dominant , with their Monsanto  Roundup and other planet killers.

This herb flowers early and is a bee-friendly plant of fundamental importance .

As a human health aid it is, arguably, the most valuable of the free plants , growing wild in the UK .

The whole herb is used : at blossoming time , the flower can also be used : the nature spirits told me – at least , I think it was them – that they  do not object if flowers are picked when they are used for reasons of health , nutritional or medicinal .

Amongst its main constituents are carotenoids and sesquiterpine

lactones , vitamins  A – in large amounts , B , C and E  ,  calcium, iron , potassium , manganese,  folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper.

It is a bitter tonic ,  diuretic , pancreatic regulator , mild laxative , detoxifier , bile duct stimulator and on .. and on  .

Some of the conditions it is used for include cancer , heart diseases, diabetes , eczema , obesity , arthritis , hypoglycaemia , anorexia nervosa , oedema , warts – locally  , splenic disorders , lack of appetite , anaemia , depression  .. : it is a liver and kidney specific .

It can produce around 160 seeds per flower head  , each seed with its own parasol to carry  it to distant places : this should tell us that the dandelion is a plant that The Great Spirit wants to spread around .

One way to use it is to combine the decoction with the cold-water extraction :

this produces the elements which need to be extracted by the former and the enzymes etc which are found in the latter .

Nettle News

Another weed  is the nettle – urtica dioica : parts used , young leaves and seeds : contains high amounts of chlorophyl , acetyl-choline , iron , calcium , silica .. vitamin C ,  histamine , serotonin .

It is a blood tonic , diuretic , hypo-glycaemic , expectorant , circulatory stimulant , hypotensive , regulates the flow of breast milk , uric acid eliminator , anti-rheumatic  .. : used for anaemia , detox , gout , kidney and splenic disorders , diabetes , chronic skin diseases  …

Another candidate for no.1 : “ no plant is more useful in domestic medicine .” Hilda Leyel .

  “ Stinging nettle is an astringent, diuretic, tonic, anodyne, pectoral, rubefacient, styptic, anthelmintic, nutritive, alterative, hemetic, anti-rheumatic, anti-allergenic, anti-lithic/lithotriptic, haemostatic, stimulant, decongestant, hepatic, febrifuge, kidney depurative/nephritic, galactagogue, hypoglycemic, expectorant, anti-spasmodic, and anti-histamine.  ” Kassie Vance .Decoction : handful of leaves to a pint of boiling water : leave 15 minutes  : 1 cup doses , 3 x day

The CAISSE formula  :

burdock – arctium lappa  , slippery elm – ulmus rubra , turkey rhubarb – rheum palmatum and sheeps sorrel – rumex acetosella .

Nurse Rene Caisse originated the wide-spread use of this formula : her name , reversed , ESSIAC , is a brand name and has been commandeered by a company which likes to charge some very impressive prices .

It is a nutritional treatment , in herbal form : attempts were made, by the cancer industry and its political / bureaucratic agents to classify the mix as a drug and thereby , control its use .

Rene obtained the recipe from a woman who had been treated for breast cancer, thirty years , earlier , by an Native American medicine man .       She used the nutritional mix to treat cancer patients ,  free of charge , for 54 years .

The analysis includes iron , calcium , magnesium , copper , zinc , manganese , silica , selenium , chromium , cobalt , phosphorus , potassium , sodium , sulphur , iodine … a large range of vitamins , organic acids , benzaldehyde – a component of amygdalin … too many to list .

The evidence of the efficiency of  ESSIAC is overwhelming and , as such , the cancer industry , particularly “ cancer research ” , maintains an unrelenting  policy of  keeping the subject  ring-fenced and a strictly no-go area .

“ Cancer Research UK”  – £ 1 billion+ collected-every-two-years :  3,900-office-staff -says “… there is no evidence that it cures cancer or helps to control symptoms.”

With its huge nutritional content , ESSIAC is used for a multitude of conditions : it is made by decoction .

One woman reported , after 5 months of use : aches , pains , swelling of varicose veins , general water retention , psoriasis , nose sun spot , gallstone attacks , grey hair roots – all gone : more energy, eyebrows growing , again , stronger finger nails , breast cysts going , healthier gums , whiter teeth   .. and on .

I use this , as standard , alongside , the organic plant diet : sometimes with apricot kernels : the therapy is directed at , first , stopping making cancer : then the re-instatement of the immune defences , through the alkalising , oxygenating nutritional regime .

   This a simple treatment – when the patient is not 1 / 2 / 3 parts   dead thanks to “ life-saving modern cancer treatment ” . 


Irish “Thought for the Day”

You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.”

                                               Cormac McCarthy .


Animal Communication

 We take a look at the subject through scientific eyes, with a piece from Tony Ortzen’s editorial of the November 2016 issue of Two Worlds magazine:

Riding hats on!  Let’s saddle up and canter off to our next story, as scientists have discovered that horses can communicate with humans.

   By offering slices of carrot as an incentive, scientists trained them to touch a board with their muzzle to indicate if they wanted to wear a rug.  The horses’ requests matched the weather.

   Lead researcher Dr. Cecilie Mejdell, of the Norwegian Veterinary  Institute, said they wanted to find a way whether or not a horse liked wearing a blanket.

“I think our study adds to the knowledge on Horse cognition – about what horses are able to learn and how they think.” she told the B.B.C.

   “Horses are often considered  to be not very intelligent, but this shows that using the right methods they can actually communicate and express their opinions and take choices that seem sensible to us.”

   Scientists worked with a horse trainer to teach 23 horses of various breeds how to communicate with humans.

   First a horse was trained to approach a board hung on a fence and touch it with its muzzle.  Next it was taught to tell the difference between different symbols on the board – blanket on (horizontal bar), blanket off (vertical bar) and no change (blank).

  Finally, the horse learned to associate a particular action with the symbols on the board.

 By the end of the training, a horse was able to signal if it was too cold or too hot by going to the appropriate board and asking for its rug to be put on or removed.

 Researchers found that horses requested a blanket in wet, windy, cold conditions but went without when it was sunny.

   Karen McComb, professor of animal behaviour and cognition at the university of Sussex, said the training method would be useful in animal welfare. 

 “This is a really interesting and innovative study that has conceived  a very novel way of getting at what is going on in the mind of the horse.” she said.

As a spiritualist, not only do I believe that all animals survive death, but many of them have a  psychic link to humans which we can ill afford to ignore though sadly many do.

And from Tony’s January 2017 editorial we read a moving true story of canine heroism :

 ... a Bangor, County Down, family has described how their canny cockapoo called Teddy saved the life of their five-year-old son after he became trapped in a tumble dryer.

   Riley Gedge-Duffy suffered burns to his arms, back and head when the machine automatically started with the lad, who has Down’s syndrome, stuck inside.

   Aaron Duffy said his wife was vacuuming upstairs when the incident happened. She only knew something was wrong when Teddy began to bark.

 “Only for our dog going nuts and alerting my wife by running up and down  barking did she know that there was something up,” Mr Duffy said.

 “She literally just pulled Riley out. It didn’t matter if it was head first, feet first, legs whatever, he was coming out. So we got him out and literally cooled him down.

 “Teddy’s going to get a fillet steak. I can guarantee that.  She’s a very smart dog.”

  Riley was rushed to the Ulster Hospital, Dundonald, and received treatment for burns to his arms, back and head.

    Mr Duffy said the ambulance driver told him that suffocation would normally take only about five minutes inside such a tumble dryer, even if the machine had not started.

   “Riley was born with Down’s syndrome, so he’s not aware of any danger,” he added. “It’s just the way Riley is. He tends to take himself off and find a wee corner if he wants to get away from it all.”

“Yesterday, he decided the tumble dryer was where he wanted to go. We have a bigger than usual dryer because there are six of us in the house and have lots of laundry.”

 Mr Duffy said his son’s injuries were mostly bruises from being bounced around the dryer. If Teddy “hadn’t alerted my wife and Riley had gone another two or three minutes, it’s more than likely he would have been dead.”

 This is the second time Teddy has warned of danger in the last two months, as she also alerted the family that an iPhone charger was catching fire .

Tony Ortzen edits “Two Worlds,” Spiritualism’s 76-page independent monthly magazine, which was founded in 1887.

Two free copies are available to download at

If you would like a sample copy sent by post, please e-mail your name and address to or write to “Two Worlds,” PO Box 55307, London SE16 6WW. An annual UK postal subscription is £22.95.


Healing List.

Sharon Jones,  Carole Neale-Eyre, Tony Ortzen,  Leisha & Philip Yates, Philip’s mother, Peter Spillet, Pat Taylor, Barnaby, Solo, Hetta, Janet Williams, Denise Bottal’s mum, Shirley Mahoney, Ten Ten,  Socks, Sylvia Murphy ,  Shadow, Phyllis James, Joan Birch & friends, Roger Raynes, Betsy, Poppy, Lucy, Margaret Towler & Kevin, her cat, Vivienne Brocklehurst, Gina Szwelicka, Sian Winstanley, the Alan Berry family, Bangers, Don Gwillim, Annie, Dalcin Stacey, Pina Marsala, Patricia Thompson, Lucy, Dr. Carling, Richard Marshall, Simone Phillips, Juliet Gale and cat, Monty, Charlotte Orr, Margaret Slack, Elaine and David Hall, Mary Ashton, Jennifer Preston, Vivien White, Elizabeth Green, Pippin, Jennifer Briddon, Sophie, Gemma, Emily, Alison Scott, Rita Benson, Gerard Schmidt, Jeannette Bardell, Colleen, Marek, Luke, Sandy , Christina England, Mandel Rheems  and all in need.


I thought supporters would like to know that Marks and Spencer do  Vegan BUAV approved perfumes. It isn’t always obvious which are vegan as they  mark the packages with the B.U.A.V. bunny which denotes “free from animal testing” only.  However, it does state which products are vegan when reading the blurb online,  so I made a list for readers’ convenience, to use when shopping  in your high street branch:

Florentyna range.

Florentyna, White Flowers, Midnight Flora

Eu de Toilette & Parfum

Per Una range

White Orchid, Bird of Paradise (eco, too)


Autograph range

Black Amber (eco, too)


La Maison range

Fleur de Orange, Fleur deVervain, Fleur deMimosa

eu de parfum.


Island Escape, Opulence Oud.

eu de parfum


“One Earth Vision”

We are a small community working for planetary peace; also to offer spiritual teachings and healing, free of charge.

Contact: Mandel & Carol



Ethical store

We’re an independent family run business based in Derbyshire, England. We launched in January 2014 and we only stock delicious treats which are vegan (made using no animals products such as meat, gelatine, dairy and egg etc.,etc.) and are cruelty free (not tested on animals).

Follow the latest shenanigans on our Facebook & Twitter pages ♥

Vegan owned and run business

By buying from us you are safe in the knowledge that your money goes to other vegans who care about animals, the planet and ethical trading.

10p of every order goes to charity

Every single order placed through our website generates a 10p donation for two fantastic animal welfare charities.

They are:

Animals Asia

Hillside Animal Sanctuary


 Wasted Lives.


Carole Neale Eyre.

They languish in their lonely cage

 and wonder what they’ve done

to be a prisoner all their lives

 and never out to run

amongst the grass

 and smell the air,

 no other of their kind to share

 and feel the warming sun.

They cannot dig

 or grout the earth

 and burrow deep

and feel the soil beneath their feet.

They cannot see the clear blue sky,

 and those with wings, they cannot fly

 between the snowy clouds.

And life just passes by – passes by.

They can only keep on wondering why

 Why is this not all theirs to share?

Does no-one ever think or care,

how much in silence they suffer and plead

for their given rights – their life and needs?

Why can’t people ever let

them live their life as it should be?

Instead of being someone’s pet

they should be happy – they should be free.


Male Cat with Aids Needs Home.

Beautiful male stray cat with Feline Aids…very calm tempered, needs a home that is preferably not with other cats and where he can stay indoors a lot. He is around 4/5 years old.

Currently not neutered but we are willing to do this before he is homed. Can travel to bring him to a loving new family. Any questions about the condition, management or anything else, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


      Must read:

     Barefoot, Bitless and Whipless

     by Jane Antcliff Wilson.

     “Horses are the link to a better world because of their sensitivity and healing powers and this is the story of how one horse, Pendal Spring Song, has started that journey towards liberation and a non-violent world.”


Kate E A Berridge has been vegan for 42 years.

Since early childhood, Kate has been communicating with animals and accessing their memories. Having worked in animal rescue for 30 years, Kate has encouraged many people to turn their love of animals into positive action.

Giving talks and workshops about animal suffering, vegan philosophy and green spirituality since 1990, Kate also teaches meditation, healing and animal communication.

She is the founder of Celtic Spiritual Healing and Holistic Animal Therapy and gives healing to people and animals, using her healing technique Earthall ®.

Kate says: “Love of all life is the sacred bed-rock of my spirituality. I aim to be a voice for animals, the Earth and all those who work for love.”


“The animals come to this planet with a very special role.  Most of them are able to bring down Divine power from Heaven or love, just through their presence.  Some, like horses or rabbits, can protect their human care-givers from negative influences, or boost them with good health, good luck, even material fortune, joy or spiritual upliftment.  They watch out for us quietly, and humbly send blessings our way. Some of them are from higher levels of consciousness; they only came down in animal form to help humankind or other beings on Earth.”

Supreme Master Ching Hai. (English)


“Whatever lives does so because it is spirit.  Spirit is life, life is spirit.  Therefore, every living thing, creature, bird, fish, flower, tree, fruit, is spirit.

When you talk of higher and lower it is only a question of the stage of evolution that is reached compared with the other stages in the variegated forms of life.  To the fish you may be at a higher stage of evolution but to the hierarchy of our world you are at a lower stage.”

Silver Birch.